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Kimberly Miller

Areas of Practice

Ms. Miller has extensive experience in the areas of trust and financial accounting, federal and state taxation, trust administration, retirement plans and investments, enabling Ms. Miller to easily correlate these concepts with the legal work she prepares for firm clients. Since joining the firm in Year 2001, Ms. Miller primarily works for clients in analyzing and implementing plans to meet their estate planning needs, which may range from the preparation of simple wills and related documents to the development of complex estate plans utilizing a variety of tools, including trusts and business entities. Based on the client’s specific situation, Ms. Miller evaluates and makes recommendations to implement the client’s wishes as to the disposition of the client’s property and the management of the client’s legal matters during life and at death, to provide asset protection and to minimize income and transfer taxes. Ms. Miller maintains her CPA license and is qualified to prepare estate and gift tax returns as needed in the context of this planning.

Ms. Miller additionally counsels fiduciaries and beneficiaries in the legal and administrative matters involved with estates and trusts, and assists clients with real property transactions and the creation of business entities.

Professional History and Affiliations

  • Shareholder in the firm of Field Manning Stone Aycock P.C.
  • Admitted to Practice: State Bar of Texas (1996)
  • Certified Public Accountant, Texas, 1997
  • State Bar of Texas
  • Lubbock County Bar Association
  • South Plains Trust and Estate Council
  • Texas Society of Certified Public Accountants, South Plains Chapter


  • Texas Tech University School of Law, J.D., magna cum laude, 1996
  • Tarleton State University, B.B.A., summa cum laude, 1992